
Click here to go to Charms

The FPHS Band Boosters use Charms Office, an information management system for band members and their parents.  With Charms, students and parents can login to the site to view the interactive calendar, download various handouts and music, view and print registration/permission forms, access student account balances, and much more.

Charms Office is also where you provide your contact information, so you can be sure to be receiving emails from the Director and the Boosters about band events.

HOW TO LOGIN:  Parents will use their child’s login information. To visit the site, click the “Charms Office” link.  You will be taken to the Charms Office Assistant site.

Enter “fphsbruinband” as the school code in the “Parent/Student” box on the right.  You will then be asked for a student password. All accounts have been set up, and passwords provided to your student. The password can be changed anytime by the student or parent.

IF YOU FORGOT YOUR PASSWORD: If your student is a current member of any of the Forest Park Band Programs and you’ve forgotten your password to access Charms, please  click here to send an email to the Boosters with the student name and parent name.

We’ll reply to you within 3 days.